As well as this website, I run a wiki about ways to pass on things you’re no longer using to people or organisations who might actually want them. (I suspect I’m the wiki’s only reader as well as its only contributor, but that’s beside the point.)
Part of my work, both paid and voluntary, involves running social media accounts for various organisations. I often try out different software for scheduling tweets, measuring social media engagement and so on. A year ago I decided to upgrade my Hootsuite account to a Pro (paid) account so I could access the analytics service.
Do nursing and social media go together? Two years ago, the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) decided to find out by launching a social media presence and hiring me to run the Facebook and Twitter accounts. The initial 12-week trial was surprisingly successful; I was able to report back with solid evidence of growing engagement. So we continued. Last summer I ran a social media training workshop for the EONS Board, which resulted in several executive members developing their own Twitter presence for the first time.