Last autumn I spent an unexpected amount of time in Witney Methodist Church. No, I hadn’t suddenly become religious; I was reporting a public inquiry into a local planning issue and the Methodist Church was where it took place.
How far would you go to save the NHS? One man is running all the way from Cardiff to London. Dr Clive Peedell, a consultant in the NHS, started his journey at the Aneurin Bevan statue on Queen Street, Cardiff, and since then has run (in stages, obviously) all the way to Witney.
The BBC is currently considering axing three of its regional news services. The local “opt-outs” for Oxfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Jersey (plus surrounding areas) may be closed as part of the BBC’s money-saving drive, misleadingly branded “Delivering Quality First”. This blog post was written to answer some of the more common questions about the proposals.