This is a blog post in my very occasional “not a lawyer” series, about ways that ordinary people can use basic knowledge of the law to achieve certain things.
It started with a simple enough request: I had a mobile phone contract with EE (trading as T-Mobile), and I wanted to switch to a different company. I contacted them asking them to unlock my handset, so I could use it on another network, and provide me with a PAC code so I could port my number. I paid a £20 fee for the unlock and got a PAC code valid for up to a month.
I’ve always tried to avoid blogging about the law. I’m wary of looking like That Guy, the one who thinks that a mixture of received wisdom and googling makes you practically a barrister because hey, this law stuff is easy. It’s a fine line between contributing to an online debate and suddenly turning into the Queen’s Counsel of the Comments Section, saying things like “I think you’ll find that’s technically assault,” when you really have no clue. It’s easier to steer clear of the whole subject. But... you can guess what’s coming next, can’t you? I’ve changed my mind.