Oxford's first community newspaper
Editor 2006-2008
I was hired to edit this community newspaper, but realised that for Leys News to thrive, I would have to do more than just edit. So I also:
- Pushed forward the redevelopment of the neglected website and then updated it regularly.
- Helped to develop a monthly listings sheet, the Leys Listings, which was so popular with advertisers that it subsidised the newspaper’s own costs.
- Grew the newspaper from 16 to 20 pages.
- Helped to develop a training arm for Leys News (after working on the successful grant funding bid that made this possible). Wrote and delivered six of the eight pilot modules.
- Won the company £3000-worth of consultancy advice to help with the long-term plan of switching to monthly production.
- Improved editorial standards and implemented a house style.
During my time as editor we went through a difficult period without an office manager, so for about six months I also covered office manager duties such as selling advertising, invoicing, managing distribution and doing the accounts.
Since then, the organisation has grown into the Community Media Group, producing 13 community newspapers in the Oxfordshire area. Leys News remains the flagship title.
Work teaser
Took this community newspaper to a new level